Unlike most other loyalty programs, our Poker Rewards loyalty program rewards you for every raked hand you play on WSOP.com - not just the hands that you win.
That means you earn points, and rewards, faster than on any other site.
- Player (Monthly) = 0 - 200 APPs ($0 - $99 in rake) = 0x (0% rake back)
- Bronze (Monthly) = 200 - 749 APPs ($100 - $324 in rake) = 4x (8% rake back)
- Silver (Monthly) = 750 - 1,499 APPs ($325 - $749 in rake) = 10x (20% rake back)
- Elite (Monthly) = 1,500 - 19,999 APPs ($750 - $9,999 in rake) = 12.5x (25% rake back)
- Champions Club (Annual) = 20,000+ APPs ($10K in rake) = 16x (32%) rake back
There are no forms to fill out and no hoops to jump through in order to join Poker Rewards. Just start playing in real money cash games and tournaments.
APPs do more than just award loyalty status. Reach Bronze status and your APPs will be converted into WSOP Points, which can be redeemed for real money.
The higher status you earn each month, the more WSOP Points you'll receive for each APP, meaning you can start earning cash back into your account even faster.
For more information, click here.